Wednesday, August 8, 2012


If you have noticed in some of the past posts there is a common similarity to them.  The posts have pin pointed wheat as a bad guy.  There is lots of research lately pointing to wheat as being a huge problem in the american diet.  Something that has turned into a staple, is what many people believe to be looked at as a desert...meaning it shouldn't be in your diet, if not at all.

For most people we do not feel a specific reaction to wheat or other common allergies.  If you think about it though doesn't it make sense that things a lot of people are allergic too probably aren't good for anyone's body. (common allergies such as: wheat, dairy and nuts to name a few).  

Here is a quick look at what wheat does to the body "Lets assume that we start with a normal digestive tract (which in itself is unusual). Than we over-consume wheat which contributes to bacterial or fungal dysbiosis. This results in a heightened intestinal immune response with degradation of the intestinal lining or leaky gut syndrome. This is followed by pancreatic dysfunction (insulin and digestive enzyme deficiency) and a susceptibility to parasitic infection followed by an inability to absorb micro-nutrients ultimately leading to degraded health, vitality and even chronic sickness and disease." Source

Even if it is for a few days, try taking wheat and its sisters out of your diet.  Pay close attention to how you feel, both mentally and physically.  Maybe wheat is something your body doesn't need either!

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