Saturday, May 30, 2015

Crayola Eyeliner: Latest DIY trend you shouldn't try.

We love being DIY when we can. The sense of accomplishment. Splurging on a fabulous meal because you saved yourself hundreds of dollars with our posts like DIY face creams. Where it’s not okay to be a go getter? Using Crayola pencils and crayons as rainbow makeup.

The newest trend among beauty bloggers is using Crayola pencils and crayons as colorful makeup. They're making DIY posts and YouTube tutorials teaching others how make their own palettes at home. Yes, this is latest in beauty blogs. You know it has hit the mainstream when when you can read about it in Nylon Magazine.

As much as we love Nylon, this is one look we’re not going to try any time soon. The belief is since these pencils are non-toxic, they’re fine for your skin. Little kids eat them, so your face should be fine.
One of the vloggers on YouTube even included herself calling Crayola, asking if anything would happen if crayon material got into a child's eye. The rep said no, because it's nontoxic. After 1.5 million people had seen this clip, Crayola decided to issue a statement 

As the manufacturer of children's products, safety is our top priority at Crayola.
Although our products are nontoxic, we do not recommend using them to make eyeliner, lipstick or other makeup, and strongly discourage their use in this manner. The products were never intended to be used on the skin or face in this manner.

Makeup goes through specific and rigorous testing because it is intended to be used on the skin.  Because they were never meant to be used as makeup, our colored pencils or crayons have not been tested in the same way and should not be used as a cosmetic. They are not designed, tested or approved for this purpose.

Before you ask yourself, “who does this?” We’ve all been there, You have a crazy dress up party planned for the weekend. You’ve already spent so much money on the costume, the accessories, and the idea of spending more money on make up you’re only going to use for one night? You can see why people think, “what’s the harm?”

Along with eye infections, pink eye, and a whole range of other problems, Crayola eyeliner is a big makeup fail. Dr. Mark Jacquot, O.D for Cosmo said it best,

"It's like how you can eat a jalapeƱo pepper, but you wouldn't want to put it in your eye.”

It’s quite the visual. Your eye just starts twitching thinking about it. In order to get the correct consistency for an eyeliner, you let a pencil sit in hot water for several minutes. This is where bad ideas becomes a horrible idea. Having a pencil sit in hot water creates bacteria growth. The pencil goes straight from the warm water to your eyelid. 

The beauty vloggers defend this practice by stating the color is going over the lid, and not going inside the rim line of the eye. For anyone who has worn sunscreen, eye shadow, or mascara on a hot day, you are all to familiar with the burning sensation from products melting into your eye.

We’re all for putting a little coconut oil underneath your eyes for a an anti wrinkle cream. Crayola pencils you snagged from your Art Bin? No, those should stay with the rest of your art materials. If you do have a special occasion coming up, and think it would be awesome to do some crazy make up for one night, here are some great alternatives.

Italia Eyeliners come in a set of 12. Not at all expensive, and if you have Amazon Prime membership you could get this pencils for tonight’s party with same day delivery. The colors are amazing, and if you only use one pencil, one time, it cost you less than a organic cold pressed juice. 

If you feel more comfortable with a familiar name brand. We have Urban Decay eye pencils. They come in some amazing colors, and metallics which really pop. Maybe you can draw on a pink star for when your friends decide to throw a Jem and the Holograms movie party.

If pencils aren’t your favorite, Make Up Forever has some great eye liner pot colors for releasing your inner rainbow. They have a a great selection. The colors are vibrant and creamy. They may be a little more expensive than a box of Crayola pencils, but you’ll know you’re getting a product meant for your eye, and you won’t have scary eye problems happening afterwards. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

7 smoothie ingredients to fight the holiday bloat

Memorial Day weekend is here, and kicking off the summer with a BBQ is as American as you can get. Who doesn’t love celebrating, but the uncomfortable, bloating feeling afterwards? No thanks. You can keep your “food baby,” as some people lovingly refer, to a stomach too big to be comfortable in those skinny jeans you wore. We’ve found seven ingredients to mix up your smoothie recipes, and help you feel like yourself again in no time.

1. Berries 

Who doesn’t love blueberries, strawberries or raspberries? During the summer months, their gorgeous colors can be seen everywhere. Some other great things about berries are their high water content. Did you know they are 85 to 95 percent water? They are also high in fiber, which can help food move through the intestines more quickly and decrease abdominal pressure and bloating. Berries also add bulk to your meal and can help relieve conditions like constipation, which are sometimes the cause of bloating.

Summer also means enjoying some hot weather fruits you’d find while frolicking in Hawaii. Like berries, pineapples are made up of 85 percent water. Pineapples also contain an enzyme called bromelain which can help decrease bloating by encouraging proper digestion and breaking down proteins in the body. While we can’t be in the tropics everyday, the frozen foods section makes grabbing a bag of ready to go pineapple a breeze.

3. Mint 

Whether you’re having peppermint, spearmint or basil, you’ll be helping your body fight the bloat. The mint family is great for soothing the digestive tract and dissolving large gas pockets. Who knew such a tiny leaf could make such an impact on our internal organs, well being. Try not to chew all the mint leaves before you add them to your smoothie. If do though, you might be rewarded instead of punished.

4. Bananas

Bananas are a source prebiotic fiber, which helps to feed good gut bacteria and improve digestion. A study in the journal Anaerobe found women who ate a banana twice daily as a pre-meal snack for 60 days experienced an increase in good bacteria levels and a 50 percent reduction in bloating. The potassium found in bananas counter sodium’s role. With so many grab and go foods, dining out, or having popcorn at the movies, good to know the banana can help us feel better after too much salt.

5. Ginger

Ginger is one of the oldest spices in the world. Although probably best known for its cold and flu treating powers, ginger is also well known for its ability to alleviate symptoms of gastrointestinal distress and is commonly used for eliminating intestinal gas and reducing bloating. It contains zingibain, a protein digestive enzyme, and is particularly effective at reducing bloating and gas caused by protein rich foods. Which comes in handy after a weekend of over indulging when you smell a mouth watering burger on the grill.

6. Aloe Vera 

When we think of Aloe Vera we think of sunburnt skin after we didn’t reapply our sunscreen, but we can also think of it as an internal cleanser. The soothing effects of aloe and abundant vitamins, enzymes, and nutrients found in this plant, remove toxins and food buildup from the body. It helps your body realign itself after a few days of food cheating. The enzymes help breaking down undigested food, and get you back to feeling like yourself again.

7. Yogurt

We love greek yogurt for it’s high protein properties, but did you know the healthy or “good” bacteria found in yogurt can promote intestinal bacteria balance and reduce excess gas build up in your digestive system. Probiotics or “good bacteria” relieves GI symptoms, such as bloating. A basic in most packed lunches, should also become a basic in your smoothie routine.

Now what to do with these ingredients? Try any of these smoothie recipes whenever you need to feel like yourself again after a weekend of too much indulgence or really any time. Who doesn’t love feeling their best all the time!

1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/2 cup raspberries
1/2 cup pineapple chunks
8 mint leaves

1 cup fresh raspberries
1 ripe banana, sliced and frozen
1 cup rice milk
1 Tbsp flaxseed, freshly ground

Pineapple and Banana Smoothie
1 cup ripe bananas, coarsely chopped
1 cup fresh pineapple (flesh and stem), coarsely chopped
1 cup pineapple juice
1 cup crushed ice

Green Tea and Pineapple Smoothie
2 cups fresh pineapple, peeled and chopped
1 cup green tea made from loose leaves
1 Tbsp honey
1/2 inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped
1 cup crushed ice

2 tablespoons of aloe vera juice
1 cup frozen pineapple
1/4 cup fresh mint leaves
1/2 inch piece of fresh ginger
1 lime peeled
3 cups of baby spinach
2 tablespoons of hemp seeds
1/2 cup of water

½ c chamomile or dandelion root tea, cooled
1 c strawberries
1 c pineapple chunks
½ c vanilla yogurt with live and active cultures
1 tsp honey or maple syrup
½ c ice cubes

3 ounces vanilla nonfat Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon almond butter
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup frozen pineapple
1 cup kale
3/4 cup water

Sunday, May 17, 2015

11 reasons your body tricks you into hunger

We’ve all had those days. When there doesn’t seem to be enough food to satisfy you. You’ve just had lunch, and you’re ready for more moments later. Don’t worry you’re not alone, Health Magazine lets you know 11 reasons you could feel a snack attack happening, and how to prevent them. 

You're dehydrated
"Mild dehydration is often masked as feelings of hunger, when really your body just needs fluids," says Alissa Rumsey, RD, spokesperson for the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The confusion happens in the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that regulates both appetite and thirst. When dehydration sets in, wires get crossed in the hypothalamus, making you think it’s time for some munching when you should really be grabbing a glass of water. "Prevent it by staying on top of your fluid intake, starting with a glass of water first thing in the morning," advises Rumsey. "If you feel hungry, and you haven't drank much that day, try drinking a glass of water and waiting 15 to 20 minutes to see if your hunger subsides."

You're a restless sleeper
The worst is when you’re laying awake at night, wondering when sleep is going to come. The morning can be a little painful to rev up for the day. You haven’t had enough z’s, and two hormones linked to appetite are gonna try to make it up to you. "Too little sleep can lead to surging levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite, as well as decreased levels of leptin, a hormone that causes feelings of fullness," says Rumsey. 
Not catching enough sleep will make think you’re hungry. Your brain will think you need food for energy, but it’s actually sleep your body needs to get you back on track.

You load up on starchy carbs
Carbs, oh, carbs. Diet trends did make them enemy number one, but it’s simple carbs you have to keep away. The ones who make you keep reaching into the bag, because they’ll never satisfy you. "Simple carbs, the kind found in sugary, white flour foods like pastries, crackers and cookies, spike your blood sugar levels quickly, then leave them plunging soon after," says Maggie Moon, RD owner of Everyday Healthy Eating. That blood sugar plunge causes intense hunger for more sugary carbs and the cycle continues." Get your carb fix with the complex, filling kind that contains lots of fiber. Almonds, apples, chia seeds and pistachios are healthy options that ward off hunger pangs, suggests Moon.

You're a stress case
Sometimes you just have one of those days. When everything which can go wrong, will go wrong. Don’t let the stress of your day lead you down the path of stress eating. When you're tense, your system ramps up production of the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol, says Rumsey. Elevated levels of these hormones trick your system into thinking it's under attack and needs energy, so your appetite starts raging. Stress also reduces levels of the brain chemical serotonin, and that can make you feel hungry when you aren't, says Moon. Check out your MindBody app for a open pilates class versus yelping the nearest taco shop.  

A little too much alcohol
That pre-dinner cocktail or glass of wine meant to whet your appetite before dinner actually does just that, stimulating a feeling of hunger even if your stomach is full, says Moon. A small study published in the journal Appetite backs this up, finding that people were more likely to consume foods higher in calories after drinking alcohol. Is this where Jack In The Box got the idea for fourth meal? A couple of drinks will dehydrate your body, and will make you think you’re hungry, when you’re actually thirsty. Grab some water instead of burrito, and your body will thank you for so many reasons in the morning.

You need to eat more protein
Fill your plate with with the right kind of foods. Lean protein and healthy fat, specifically -- keeps hunger pangs at bay. "Not only does protein stay in your stomach and promote feelings of fullness, it's been shown to have an appetite-suppressing effect," says Rumsey. Aim for at least 46 grams of protein per day (best sources: Greek yogurt, eggs, lean meat and whole grains).

You aren't eating enough fat
It’s all about what you put on your plate. Put the right type of proteins and add the right type of saturated fats. When your body gets what it needs it’ll let you know it’s happy. "When you're satisfied after a meal, you are more likely to listen to your hunger cues and not eat again until you are truly hungry," says Rumsey. Look to the right oils, nuts, seeds and avocados to get the right variety into diet.

You skip meals
Don’t skip meals not matter how busy you are. Your body will produce an uptick in the hunger hormone ghrelin, which ramps your appetite, says Rumsey. "Ghrelin also prompts the GI tract to expect food to come. Your ghrelin levels are in overdrive, and so is your lust for food." This is when you get into ravenous mood, and will eat everything in your path or will think it’s a good idea to drive through a fast food line. Rarely a good idea. Always have some fruit, almonds, or anything grab and go. Don’t let yourself order those curly fries because you haven’t eaten all day.

Foodies on social media
Social media is great for connecting with our friends, not so much when all our friends are showing their breakfasts, Sunday brunches, office birthday cakes, and way too many empty calorie dishes to name. The connection between what we see and what we desire has been documented by science: a 2012 study from the journal Obesityfound that just looking at food cranked up levels of ghrelin, the hunger hormone. Getting a whiff of food has a similar effect, says Moon. "Pleasant food aromas stimulate an involuntary physiological reaction: the mouth will salivate and the stomach will contract, mimicking hunger pangs," she says. Who knew your friend’s social media accounts could be food commercials?

You inhale your food
Savor your meals. Don’t be in a rush to move onto your next task. Give your a body a chance to know it’s eating, and when it’s full. A study published in 2013 in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism supports this, finding that eating at a moderate pace prompts the release of hormones that tell your brain "no more." Wait at least 20 minutes before going back for seconds. That's about how long it takes for that fullness signal to reach your brain, says Rumsey.

It could be your medication

Your health is number one, and it means taking antidepressants such as Zoloft or Paxil, as well as corticosteroids such as prednisone (prescribed to treat potentially dangerous flareups of the immune system due to allergies, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease like Crohn's disease, and some cancers), it could affect your appetite, says Rumsey. If you're on one of these prescriptions and feel hungry after eating, talk to your doctor. 

Food is life and it's meant to be enjoyed. It's all about finding the right balance, and listening to our bodies.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Edible Beauty: From the kitchen to your vanity

Spirulina, Coconut Oil, Agave Nectar, Olive Oil, and Apple Cider Vinegar. Sounds like a grocery list, along with apples and pears to make a salad. Actually, we’re making a list for five natural ingredients you would find in your kitchen, but should also have a place in your beauty routine. Eating natural, organic, and whole foods have been proven to be the best for our bodies internally, why not the same philosophy for taking care of the outside of our bodies? 

Dr. Alkaitis, of Dr. Alkaitis’ holistic organic skin food, spoke with The Chalkboard Mag about his ‘edible’ beauty products. His answer made sense to us.
“The simple answer is that whatever is put on your skin is absorbed into your body, it is ‘eaten’. So if one is interested in maintaining a healthy skin and health, then they should follow this simple guideline: ‘If you can’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin.”

It got us thinking, what steps can we take to bring this way of ‘living’ into our lives, in a simple manner. If we should be able to eat it, let’s find out what we should have in our cupboards, and buy extra for our ‘natural beauty’ regimen. No special equipment, beakers or AP Chemistry classes needed.

First up, spirulina, your new favorite Super Food. It is highly digestible, but it also helps the body absorb minerals, lowers cholesterol, and protects the immune system as well. Have a half teaspoon in your breakfast smoothie. You’ll notice a healthier skin tone, dark circles fading away, and your hair looking glossy. Or make a paste by mixing some spirulina with water, and apply it on your face. Keep on for 20 minutes and wash off. This will make your skin amazingly soft, smooth, and you’ll also be preventing signs of aging by eliminating free radicals. Yes, spirulina prevents ’wrinkles.’

Another amazing anti aging natural beauty ingredient, coconut oil. It’s used from baking, cooking and dessert making, but as wrinkle fighter? It sure is. Use a lil coconut oil underneath the delicate area of your eyes to keep them line free or use it for preventing dark spots or stretch marks. You can also take coconut oil and blend it with several edible ingredients to create power punch beauty products. 

Use coconut oil with agave nectar, aloe vera, and vegetable glycerin to make a curl conditioning and defining serum. All edible ingredients. Or you can also use it with olive oil to create a moisturizer. Don’t worry your skin will love it instead of breaking out. Just start off a few times a week. Your skin will let you know you’re doing right when you see a glowing and dewy complexion. 

From making your all-natural defining hair serum or vegan facial moisturizer, what to do with your agave nectar or olive oil beauty wise? You can make an oatmeal and agave facial mask to combat irritated skin. Mexicans have been using it for hundreds of years to relieve skin infections and kill bacteria. If a oatmeal and agave mask is the secret to a beach kissed look, we’re in! Use the rest of your olive oil to soften your hands, remove your makeup at night or moisturize your skin after a hot shower.

Last, but definitely not least, on our list we have apple cider vinegar with the mother. From some our visits to the grocery store, seems this item is hard to keep in stock. It’s always a toss up whether or not you’ll find it. There is an overabundance of goodness in this vinegar. You most likely have heard about it when you’re suffering from allergies, and everyone will suggest you use it to kill bacteria in your throat. 

When you use it as a beauty product you can use it as a skin toner, spot treatment for acne, residue remover for hair, and even a natural deodorant. Just like coconut oil, ACV has a mile long list of beauty solution to try. This blog lists just the tip of the iceberg, in terms of what edible beauty can do you for you.

Hope we inspired you to restock your kitchen pantry and bathroom cabinets with these multi purpose natural ingredients. Buy organic, all natural, cold pressed, or extra virgin when it’s an option. If we’re feeding our bodies the best we can, let’s do the same for our skin. A fresher, healthier, glowing outside you will match how amazing you feel in the inside as well.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Fitbit Surge, maybe you don't need the Apple Watch after all?

With the wearables market exploding, and if fitness tracking is what you’re looking for, then what is out there for a savvy shopper? Have you heard about the Fitbit Surge? We’ve all heard of Fitbit.  Those rubbery bracelets had everyone monitoring their steps a few years ago. 

Now Fitbit has come out with the Surge. They’re calling it part of their “Performance Fitness” line. It does look a little bulky. Not as colorful as the Apple Watch, but when the President wears the Surge, you know the tech specs on it must be amazing.

Mashable calls the Surge a “Superwatch,” with it’s blend of smartwatch capabilities and GPS fitness tracking. It gets accurate heart rate readings with it’s LED sensors. It’s large LCD screen hides eight sensors underneath it.

With it’s GPS technology and the MobileRun feature, it accurately tracks, logs and compare runs, walks and hikes. This device gets to know you very well. It maps your runs using Google Maps, and generates step-by-step graphs for elevation, pace, heart rate and calories burned. This Fitbit will help you figure out where you can improve your time, set goals, and help you motivate towards new milestones.

The device’s satellite tracking lets you leave your phone at home. The Surge wireless syncs your fitness achievements when you’re back to internet civilization. Now you can focus on your heart pumping workout, without having to wear your cellphone on your armband. Don’t worry cyclists, the Surge hasn’t forgotten about you. You’ll also be able to track your workouts with the same prowess as your non-wheeled friends. 

This superwatch can track all sort of movements beyond a fitness gadgets' routine metrics of “steps, distance traveled and calories burned.” It’s altimeter, for example, monitors how many floors you've climbed in a day. It also has several exercise modes, such as weight lifting, jumping onto the elliptical, spinning, yoga, a personalized workout, stair climbing, circuit training, bootcamp, kickboxing, tennis, golf, walking, and martial arts. After you select a mode, it drives further down, “What kind of weight lighting are you doing” selections. They seriously thought of everything.

When you’re working towards fitness goals, keeping track of calories is key. Your Surge will sync with accounts like MyFitnessPal, to monitor your daily calorie intake and exercise. Your Surge will even send you a notifications when these apps notice you’re getting low on water. Yes, you’d have to say this device does some accurate reading.

The Surge monitors your heart rate at exercise, rest, or sleeping. Simply put, this device is meant to be worn all times. Just not the shower. The Surge is sweat- and rain-proof, but not waterproof.

Other great features of the wearable is it receives text and call notifications, and sends them to your display. This helps you keep your heart rate going, instead of digging through your bag when you’re out hiking, running, or let’s admit it, when you’re in your bedroom. It’s happened to everyone, you’re busy in the middle of something, and should you really stop to see who it is?

The Surge lets you quickly glance at your wrist, and decide if you really need to stop what you’re doing. Other great features is it syncs with your iOS, Android or Windows devices. The biggest headache of new technology is getting it work with what you already have. This powerhouse will automatically sync wirelessly to tablets, computers using Bluetooth. Another new feature of the Surge is multi-tracker functionality, which allows users to switch from one Fitbit device to another and continue to measure their stats on the same profile. 

Maybe you already have a Fitbit? The Surge will work with your devices so you can switch between your wearables. It comes in handy when you’re getting ready for an evening out, and see these Pinterest boards of how to fashionably wear your smart device. Who knew the Fitbit Flex could look so good?

The Surge does have several “pros” going. If you’ve been eyeing the Apple Watch, but not really sure if it’s for you. Maybe this Fitbit, would be a good entry into the wearables market for you. When you leave pilates class, red-faced and sweaty, it just might make you feel better seeing how many calories you just burned. When we do “scrambled egg leg circles” it feels like a thousand calories burned.