Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Trainer Tuesday! A Day in Life of Ricky Godinez

Today's Trainer Tuesday brings you a man who needs little introduction…Ricky Godinez, better known as Ricky Rebel! Learn about his amazing talents and fit lifestyle below- and don't miss the photos showing off his strength and flexibility.

Pilates Instructor (Hollywood Studio)
YouTube: RickyRebelTV

What are your favorite Pilates moves? 

Everyone who takes my class knows that I love Arm Assisted Crunches. 
In 6 moves or less I am able to get a nice burn that I call “The YUM YUM” happening in your abdominals. I also have a killer leg sweep combo targeting glutes, hamstrings, and the Hip Abductors. 

What is one of your favorite non-Pilates workouts? 

I love to dance. I take “Vogue” classes religiously from Eric Sanchez who teaches at International Dance Academy in LA and also at Debbie Reynolds Dance Studio in North Hollywood. Vogue classes focus on creating shapes and poses with the body and vogueing has a beneficial Cardio factor to it as well that I love. When I am dancing I forget that I am doing cardio.  

What’s your exercise routine like for a typical week?

Monday: I like to take Pilates Class around 5:30p
Tuesday: I like to change it up and do cardio/weight training and abdominals at the gym
Wednesday: I take another Pilates Class or I take a day off
Thursday: Thursday I Vogue 
Friday: I go to the gym or Yoga class
Saturday: I take Pilates after my morning classes or go to a Yoga Class 
Sunday: I take a day off
What are some of your favorite healthy foods? 

I love Smoothies w High Protein boosts.
I love Juices as well, with Spinach, Kale, Ginger. That’s how I get my Greens. 
I am a huge Blueberry fan. Basically any food with a high antioxidant count, I am totally
Gotta keep that skin glowing. 

What does your workout and eating schedule for a typical day like?

When do you wake up? I wake up at 6:30am

What do you eat for breakfast? I eat a smoothie with Blueberries, a banana, peanut Butter and Protein Powder w some Green Tea to kick up that metabolism.

What do you do in the first half of a typical day? First half if I am not instructing my classes, I usually like to take a Pilates class so kick start my metabolism so that I will be burning calories the rest of the day. That’s why I love working out in the morning.

What do you eat for lunch? I typically eat Brown Rice, Black Beans, and a lean protein such as Salmon or Chicken. Or if I’m feeling like I need a vegan moment I will eat Tempuh instead of meat.  

What do you do during a typical afternoon? In the afternoon I am usually working hard on my Singing career because, on top of being a certified pilates instructor, I am also serious musician. Every now and then, I play my music in class. You can check out my tunes on this website: 

What do you eat for dinner? For dinner, my boyfriend and I love to go to Gelson’s. They have delicious/clean food in the deli. I love their poached Salmon and Kale. 

What do you do for a workout on a typical day?
I take Either one Pilates or Yoga Class in a day. Sometimes I’ll do a Pilates and a yoga class in one day but that’s rare. 
I usually have 2 rest days in a week where I do not do any exercise. You're body needs rest. 
I also go to the gym and lift weights and spend 20 -30 min on the elliptical. 

What do you do on a typical night? I spend time with my boyfriend watching Netflix and we wind down together. 

What time do you go to sleep? I go to sleep typically at 10:30P or 11p

What’s your favorite part of your day? early morning till 11am. My absolute favorite time. 

What’s your biggest source of inspiration…what keeps you going everyday?

My parents and Madonna are my inspirations in life. Madonna never gives up. She follows her heart and her instincts. She’s incredibly brave and she works very hard to get what she wants. My parents and I posses the same qualities that I admire in Madonna. 

What are your trainer tips or words of advice for people interested in Pilates and a healthy lifestyle?

TIP 1. Never compare yourself to anyone else. It’s pointless. Comparison kills possibility. Your journey is your journey. Everyone has their own set of strengths and weaknesses. Learn to appreciate your mind, body and spirit. 

TIP 2. Know how and when to modify in class. I teach everybody how to do many different versions of moves to demonstrate that even if you are unable to do the full expression of the move, there is always a way to modify aka not give up. It is very sexy when I see someone come in and now how and when to modify a certain move. it shows me A. that they respect themselves enough to not hurt themselves.
and B. they have the intelligence to know when and how to modify a move. 

TIP 3. HAVE FUN! I want to change the word Working Out. It shouldn’t be called working out it should be called Recess, Party time, play time, ME time. Call it something else. Call it something that makes you feel good and when you do that, you take the WORK out of working out. LOSE YOURSELF IN THE MUSIC. Pilates is nothing but a dance. 

Check out more of Ricky in this short video HERE!

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