Monday, May 2, 2011

Alex Dishes It Out, Gluten-Free!

You've no doubt heard about gluten free eating and gluten free meals. It's basically a type of diet that excludes foods that contain high amounts of gluten, which is a wheat protein.

Sounds boring, right? I mean, what can you eat?

Turns out lots of amazing stuff.

Take Dishin' it Out with Alex, for example, which is an all you can eat site dedicated to the gluten-free lifestyle. And what a lifestyle! Alex features amazing dishes like turkey sliders, banana coconut chip cookies, and even healthy chinese gluten-free take out food! Did you think you were gonna be able to have so much fun eating gluten-free? Well you thought wrong.

And if you love Alex's recipes so much that you want to give them more than just a taste, try out her catering for your next event. She'll be sure to leave you wanting more gluten-free treats.

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