Sunday, July 29, 2012

Pick up those magazines

I know for some people it seems as though there is an over saturated amount of information when it comes to health and fitness.  Especially in magazines.  Everything seems so summarized which each magazine touching base on the same topics over and over.  Like how many times are we going to see a biceps curl exercise featured to understand how to do one and understand the importance of exercising the biceps...I think you get the picture.  As over done as it may seem, there are some great topics and research in the magazines.  Typically they are found in the fine print and not next to the fitness model showing off her beautiful physique.

Flipping through the latest Women's Health Magazine I found a certain study to be particularly interesting, primarily due to the fact that each of us have contemplated this very question...Is it more beneficial to exercise in the morning or evening.

Some people prefer to get their exercise out of the way in the morning, so that it doesn't become a debat in the evening hours when one is more likely to be tired.  The article focuses on the results of an evening exercise. 
A recent study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness found that women who walked four times a week lost more fat mass when they hoofed it at 6PM compared with those who walked at 8AM. (Evening exercisers also ended up consuming more protein and eating fewer of their daily calories in the evening.) And multiple studies have found that early evening may be the best time to improve your performance and build muscle, whether you’re doing cardio or strength training. One possible reason: The body releases higher levels of muscle-building growth hormone in the early evening than in the morning, and exercise also boots levels of that hormone, so timing the two events to coincide may yield the best results.
Now does this mean everyone needs to immediately change their whole life around to workout in the evening...absolutely not.  Bottom line is do what is best for you.  If you like this evidence enough to switch your workout to the evening, then do it!  If you have a cleared mind in the morning and feel more powerful during the day after a great workout then the morning is for you.  Whatever your choice may be, the important part is staying consistent and keeping a positive attitude!

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