Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Rollin...Rollin...Rollin.........on the foam!

You heard CCR or Tina Turner (depending on which decade you were born)


(Your muscles will thank you later-then you can thank me)

Okay, so what is this foam rolling all about and why are you telling me my muscles will thank me?  What if I told you it is like a deep tissue massage that you don't have to pay lots of money and could do it often?  Sound amazing?  Possibly heavenly?  Or just too good to be true?  At the very least, I think I have your attention now.

This is what the piece of foam looks like you should be rolling on.  Yes this simple device is massage magic!

Now that you have a visual, let me tell you why your muscles will thank you and me later :-)

Benefits of Foam Rolling
-Keeps your muscles loose and flexible.  This is especially important for your hip flexors and IT bands, which alleviates lower back issues
-Find those knots and release that tension.  Releasing tension, releases toxins and stress.
-Increases blood flow to muscles, which quickens recovery time
-Helps improve spine and posture
-Prevents injuries
-Improves workouts

Foam rolling is as simple as putting the foam cylinder between you and the ground.  Use it's circular shape to roll on it by allowing your body weight to push into the foam roller and massage your muscles.  The idea is to roll on the roller until you find a tender spot.  As soon as you find a spot, hold there for 30 seconds (like you would in a stretch), allow the tension to release.

Keep in mind there is such thing as too much.  Think about if you were to massage meat.  Over massaged aka tender meat isn't considered good meat.  Don't over tenderize your meat ;-)

Now go listen to CCR and happy rollin'!

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