Thursday, January 7, 2016

5 Tricks For Winter Health and Motivation

“Now what,” is what the little voice in my head says. No, it’s not schizophrenia. It’s what becomes our inner monologue after weeks of traveling, eating, and let’s face it, excitement. Here you are back at the grind, but it’s still winter. It’s cold outside, and the rain really doesn’t help matters. So let’s motivate. Kick up your winter health inspiration with these tips and tricks.

  • Rise and Shine Sweetheart

It’s cold. You don’t want to get out of bed. Do yourself a favor, set your alarm clock for half an hour earlier. If you can do more, even better. The holiday break made sleeping in a treat, and now, it’s seems a little easier to hit the snooze button. With it getting dark so early, and the cold not going away for a few months, enjoy the daylight. 

Admit it to yourself. You’re not gonna come home and get all those things chores done. It’s a struggle not to sit on the couch, and marathon watch “Making A Murderer.” The temptation to Neflix binge is strong during the winter, almost like you deserve after making it through a long, dark outside. Enjoy more daylight in your
day, and get the vacuuming done. Your morning meditation done, whatever you decide, but add more “life” to your day vs. zombie tv watching.

  • Morning Detox

Have you tried the power of raw coconut vinegar? If you haven’t, you need to get on this asap. You’ve heard of the mircales of apple cider vinegar for a morning cleanse, and all it’s benefits. But raw coconut vinegar kicks it to the curb in terms of benefits, and taste might I add. Try this simple recipe to get your body working right from the start of your day. You’ll help get your internal organs back on track after all the sugar, butter, and fun of the holidays with:

You might be thrown off by this interesting mixture, but it tastes great. Your body will realign, rebalance itself, and there will be no need for the doughnuts as you walk to your desk. The cold weather makes us feel a little blah, and it’s what leads to the comfort eating. Notice those craving aren’t so strong on a hot, sunny day? Don’t give in, give your body health instead of refined sugars and flour.

  • Water Additive

For some reason the cold weather makes it a little harder to get in those daily 64 oz of recommended water into our systems. Somehow we gravitate towards the warm coffee. It perks us up. Feels good when it’s dark so early, and helps motivate us for the rest of the day. Cold weather doesn’t mean we don’t need our daily hydration. 

Add a little kick to your water to make it fun and tasty. Avoid the sugary, processed, “fluffy” drink additives. Try Coco Hydro’s Instant Coconut Water Hydration. It comes in a variety of flavors like original, pineapple or pomegranate raspberry. More importantly it contains 5 macro nutrients like potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, and zinc. It also has 72 micro nutrients. Did I mention it also tastes great.

  • Indoor Workouts

So life is good. You woke up earlier. You did a little morning detox to get your day going. You put the coffee away, and put more water into your system. Now to get our bodies moving. Yes, gotta go outside, where it’s cold, dark, and rainy. Don’t let it stop you from getting your cardio and strength training done. 

Hit up your favorite studio class. A couple of moments in the car will lead to getting all those right spots tone and fit.  The energy from your classmates will motivate to push yourself to break a sweat. If the weather is so bad, driving is not an option, turn on the tv. Yes, it’s more than movies and tv on there. 

Airplay/Chromecast cardio and strength training exercises while you clear a workout space for yourself. Youtube has more than cat videos. Check out channels like Blogilates to burn those muscles in your own living room. There are so many options you’ll never run out of at home exercises to do.

  • Winter Workout Outfit

For those days you cannot be indoors anymore, take it outside with winter workout gear. Our drawers seem to be full of cotton yoga pants and lycra stretchy pants, but when it comes to braving the elements do a little splurging. It’s hard to run or hike in those baggy sweatpants and oversized sweatshirts. Let alone go for a walk if your favorite pants might have a hole or two in them. Hey, we’re not judging, comfort is comfort.

Check out Sweaty Betty’s Outdoor Training selection or Lululemon’s Cold Weather Run Gear. You’ll find some great items to keep your ears, head, upper and lower body warm without bulk. You’ll be able to get those limbs moving, and make your workout a reality. Don’t talk yourself out of exercising because of the elements. Enjoy the crip air on your face while you’re bundled up, and getting your heart rate up. The tv and coco will still there when you get back from the outside.

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