Saturday, September 17, 2011

Rawvolution's The Box

Ever wanted to do a quickie detox without having to nearly starve to death? I have done so many juice fasts and detoxes, liked some, hated others. But one thing that I have never really found was a detox that was fun to do, light on your tummy, and still filling.

Enter Euphoria Loves Rawvolution's The Box.

The Box is a weekly menu-in-a-box that Santa Monica's famed raw foods restaurant cooks up (or "uncooks up" if you want to get technical) each week. Each dish is especially "uncooked" so that you get all of the benefits of raw foods without having to make them yourself or head over the hill every day to buy new food. And most importantly, the food is so filling and rich, that never go hungry.

It's a great way to do a fun detox that's also healthy and delicious.

The cost is about $120 total, and you can pick it up or get it shipped to your house if you are out of state.

They are also offering an amazing "Raw Food Month" with super duper special prices.

Check out their menu options for this week:

1 comment:

  1. I just picked up a box for the first time to do a raw detox. basically green lemonade and fruit will be supplemented along with "the box" meals. I will start tomorrow and looking forward to clean eating. what is the raw food month? Di
