Saturday, October 6, 2012

Buy stocks of Community Supported Agriculture

Do you own stocks in the stock market?  Does it make you feel good that you own a piece of something with the potential of making money off of it?

How about owning shares of a farm?  The shares would come in the form of a box delivered to your front door step full of seasonal vegetables and fruits from the farm.  The potential earnings from the shares is money saved in your pocket that didn't go towards overpriced modified fruits and vegetables from the market AND not to mention eating the shares is one of the greatest things you can do for your body!

Community Supported Agriculture are shares you want to purchase. 

"This arrangement creates several rewards for both the farmer and the consumer. In brief...
Advantages for farmers:
  • Get to spend time marketing the food early in the year, before their 16 hour days in the field begin
  • Receive payment early in the season, which helps with the farm's cash flow
  • Have an opportunity to get to know the people who eat the food they grow
Advantages for consumers:
  • Eat ultra-fresh food, with all the flavor and vitamin benefits
  • Get exposed to new vegetables and new ways of cooking
  • Usually get to visit the farm at least once a season
  • Find that kids typically favor food from "their" farm – even veggies they've never been known to eat
  • Develop a relationship with the farmer who grows their food and learn more about how food is grown"

A company I would like to feature that offers this type of service with an added organic appeal is Farm Fresh to You!

They offer a wide variety of different types of boxes, from large to small, veggies and fruits to only veggies or only fruits, to a new addition the juice box (veggies that are best for juicing).

Buy your stocks today and climb the stock market success ladder!

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