Friday, July 11, 2014

Kick Sugar to the Curb

There have been so many articles recently about the dangers of consuming too much sugar. Whether you have a sweet tooth or not, it’s been proven that the more sugar your body intakes, the more sugar you crave. The good news is-- you can learn to control sugar cravings! The less sugar you eat, the less sugar you’ll want. Bonus: the less sweets you eat, the sweeter healthy foods start to taste. (Perfect example: baby carrots! Who knew they are as sweet as they look.) Check out these little tricks below to help break your sweet habit.
Don’t quit sugar cold turkey.

Don’t set yourself up for failure, or make unrealistic goals. Instead try to cut back the amount you eat daily, even if just by a teaspoon. Or cut out certain items with high sugar until you no longer want them everyday.

Swap ingredients to trick your taste buds.
If you like vanilla, try stirring in 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract into plain greek yogurt, or a smoothie, and top with strawberries and toasted coconut. Sweetness without added sugar! If you like chocolate, try using a tablespoon of cacao powder instead of vanilla extract. There are so many delicious recipes for desserts and smoothies that use alternative ingredients to give you a sweet treat. You'll see how easy it is to satisfy cravings with healthy ingredients. 

Step up your water game.

Use water to beat those sugar dreams. Fill up on fruit-infused H2O and you'll stay hydrated (and fuller) longer, without a high calorie drink. Cucumbers, oranges, berries, and lemons are all easy ways to add flavor to your water without adding sugar! Drinking sparkling water with a slice of fruit is another sweet and healthy way to step up your water game. (A favorite of ours is the Mixed Berry Bubbly Water from Trader Joes!)

These tricks don’t sound too hard to us! Let us know if you’ve had any success with cutting back on sugar, and if so, please share your success stories and hints with us below!

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