Saturday, January 3, 2015

Don't Hit Snooze

We all know the drill:
It’s dark outside at 6am, and it’s cold. 
It’s not very welcoming outside of your covers. 
You’re tired. 
Maybe you’re sore. 

And you really, really, don’t want to get out of bed.

Sound familiar? Don’t hit snooze! Read on for some tips to help you get out of bed and get your day going right.

1. First Stop: Cold Shower
A cold rinse first thing in the AM is refreshing and will surely wake you up. It’s invigorating, but it might not be for you. So if you can’t last a whole shower with goosebumps, try spending just the last minute of your shower under cold (or even room temp) water to wake you up before you really start your day.

2. A Mantra Makes it Better
A healthy, positive mantra is great for any time of the day, but a positive affirmation when you first awake will help set the tone for starting your day and reaching your goals.

3. Hydrate x 3
Studies show drinking three 6-8 oz. glasses of water as soon as you open your eyes jumpstarts your metabolism and immune system. If you’re used to hot coffee or tea and can’t switch to room-temperature water, try drinking a mug of almost-boiling water with the juice of half a lemon. It’ll help start your digestion for the day and get you up and out to the kitchen first thing.

4. Exfoliate First
Even heard of Dry Brushing? Google it. And if that’s not your thing, just giving your face a nice exfoliating wash will stimulate your skin and wake your body right up.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I've heard of dry brushing but, haven't tried it as yet.
