Friday, March 9, 2012

My Favorite Fitness Apps: GymPact, Runtastic and MyFitnessPal

If you ever find yourself trying to track your calories, there are much easier ways than to try to work things out using your memory - or pen and paper. There are tons of apps out there for your smartphone, your tablet, or your desktop, to help you in your way to losing those pesky last few pounds.

I often use Runtastic, an app to track your workouts. While I mainly use it to track jogging and running, you can also use it to keep track of your other types of workout, like pilates or yoga. I like it so much because it uses GPS to track your route, so you know exactly how many miles you have covered each time, how fast you're going, you can time yourself (use it like a stopwatch) - and you can upload your activity to Facebook, for that extra motivation (tell your friends how well you're doing!).

MyFitnessPal is another keeper. I just started using this to track my food intake - how many calories, protein, fat, and carbs I'm taking in. It has a super easy way to input the things you eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner, and its food database is super extensive. You can even find obscure foods you might find only at certain supermarkets (like my guilty pleasure, Whole Foods Vegan Mousse!)

Another one of my current favorites is GymPact (one of our friend's amazing startup!). With this app you can track your workouts, but with the added value of extra motivation - if you don't work out, you have to pay up! If you don't reach your workout goals, the app charges you for missed classes or missed workouts - and if you reach your goals, you can make some extra cash! (the money comes from folks who missed their workouts). It's a fantastic and fun way to stay motivated.

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