Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Keep Cool in Summer's Heat

Summer is (almost) officially here! Now that it’s getting hotter, and warming up earlier in the day, it’s important to adjust your outdoor workouts for the season. In LA, even though we’re used to breaking a sweat under the sun (and under sunscreen and hats!) when the temperatures reach the 90’s and even 100 degrees, there are safety measures to consider. Check out Pilates Platinum’s guide to staying cool in the heat.

-Workout early in the day, or later in the evening. Try your best to avoid working out during peak heat hours! We like to get out early, before 8am even, when temperatures haven’t peaked. If you’re not an early bird, thankfully due to the sun setting later during the summer, try working out after 6pm when the strong sun starts to go down.
Running before or during sunrise has other perks, too! 
-Allow your body to adjust to the heat. You might not be able to jump straight to your normal routine during your first outdoor, hot weather workout during a heat wave or high temps. Try to lessen your intensity a bit, or workout for less time, and see how your body reacts. We're not saying you can't tackle those tough Santa Monica stairs (pictured below), but you shouldn't expect to perform at your highest level if you haven't acclimated to the weather yet. Experts say it takes 14 days of training in hot weather, gradually increasing difficulty each workout, to safely reach your full level of intensity.

-Dress appropriately! Your long Lulu leggings may look killer inside at Pilates Platinum, but the extra clothing will make you extra hot if you’re heading outside in high temps. Try sweat-wicking materials, in light colors. We love Nike Dri-Fit! And don’t forget your hat!
(photo from self.com) 
-Keep hydrating! The rule of thumb is that in order to avoid dehydration, drink 16-20 ounces of water 2 hours before you workout, and another 8 ounces 30 minutes before you break a sweat. On hot days your body can sweat up to two times as much as normal, so you’ll need to drink plenty of extra fluids to re-hydrate. During yoru workout, try taking a sip every 10 minutes. It also helps to refuel with coconut water, or water with electrolytes, to replenish your body post-workout. We love Trader Joe's coconut water! It may sound like common sense, but we can't stress it enough how important it is to hydrate, especially in the heat. 

-Sunscreen! We can’t say it enough. Wear it. Wear a lot of it. Reapply it often. Protect your skin now and thank yourself later. Apply 15 minutes before your workout, and check the labeling to see how long it lasts. One of our favorites for the face and neck is Skin Ceuticals’s Physical FusionUV Defense SPF 50. It’s worth every penny of it’s $34 price tag, and the bottle lasts all summer long.

And, as always, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. No one wants to experience heat exhaustion, or even a heat stroke! So be careful, and whether you’re braving hot weather or not, 
“keep cool and Pilates on”!

1 comment:

  1. What nice tips! Earlier in May, I've already felt the heat of the approaching summer and I found myself getting that tired feeling after my morning run. It prompted me to do a little adjustment as well. I guess I could do more to improve that with those great tips of yours, like the sunscreen! Oh well. Another way to beat the heat is stay indoors and bask on an air-conditioned room. Thank you so much for sharing!

    Georgia Fuller @ DayAire
