Friday, December 17, 2010

Raw Foods Live! Banana Flax Bar

Raw foods is a particular favorite in some circles, and has been getting a lot of attention because of its great, healing qualities and benefits over cooked foods.

Raw food is said to contain enzymes that cooked food does not - and any food that was cooked over 116 degrees looses these enzymes, which actually aids in digestion. And from personal experience, when you eat raw foods you really do feel that it's easier to eat.

Where can you try out raw foods? You can start with places like Euphoria Loves Rawvolution, or Juliano's Raw in Santa Monica.

But if you want to start small, try Goraw, where you can find real live food snacks and is "the easiest way to incorporate living foods into anyone's diet". My favorite is the banana bread flaxseed bar.

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