Sunday, October 20, 2013

PP Instructor Feature

1. What inspired you to become a Pilates/spin instructor or what inspired you to want to be a part of platinum? 
In England, pilates classes are very traditional...  Pilates Platinum was where I first encountered this 'west coast' type of pilates and it transformed my body very quickly. I wanted to take it with me anywhere in the world and so I trained in both SPX/Lagree) and STOTT (classical).  Originally,  it was passion that drove me - I didn't have the intention of teaching anyone but myself.  I consider Pilates Platinum to be the original studio of this pilates inspired workout movement in Los Angeles.  

2. What is your favorite exercise to put your class through? 
Skating!  Outer thighs... that saddle bag area,  your gluts and hamstrings... What more can I say?

3. Which exercise do you think is the most challenging or most effective?
The mental exercise of getting out of bed and into the studio.  Everything after that is achievable.

4. What is your favorite way to exercise? 
Lagree Fitness/SPX Pilates!!!  This machine is unique.

I personally don't want to bulk out (and have a tendency to with other workouts) - I'm looking for that lean, feminine, athletic, dancer aesthetic.  (Side note to the boys: I've trained world class athletes and ex-Special Forces - I can build you up if that's what you want, no problem, let me know!).

Maximum results, shortest amount of time - like most people, I don't have time to spend on workouts that are pleasant, but don't give me results. This technique has outlasted and will continue to outlast the fitness fads out there plus it's safe - high intensity, low impact.  There are also unlimited combinations, so just when you think you've mastered the workout... 

5. What is your favorite healthy food and what is your favorite unhealthy food?
Healthy - smoothies - I'm a dab hand with a blender... The stove... not so much.
Unhealthy - NYC pizza

6. What is your most unique quality?
No one else in the world has my fingerprints. You get a British accent in my class for free.

7. Where is your favorite place in LA and why?
My bed. C'mon, I'm regularly up at 5am to teach! 

8. In one sentence...why should someone take class at platinum or why spx Pilates?
You'll get addicted to the results...

Where do you find inspiration?
My inspiration to workout?  My pilates clients keep me on my toes and inspired!  They're  amazing, strong and disciplined for being there before/after work, often at farmer hours!  I would feel like a charlatan driving them towards their personal peak condition and yet not doing the same for myself. Also, quite frankly, feeling good and staying young inspires me! I plan on living until age 200.

What advice would you like to share with the platinum blog reader.
If you're new, try it at least 3 times... First time can be a shock! :)

Use the collective energy in the room, not to compete with, but to inspire and support - borrow it to push you to be better.  

Don't feel you're fit or fit enough? Where you are now physically is a residual of who you were, old habits, not who you are NOW or where you will be a few months ... I've seen so many people transformed with this fitness technique. It doesn't take as long as you think.

The moves you find difficult are very often the moves your body needs the most!

Recovery is key to allowing your body to adapt (and change) to cope with the new demands you put upon it.  So if you want to see results, allow your body to recover! Working out immediately (if your body hasn't recovered) is often counter productive!

And last but not least. If you we're to have a cocktail named after you what would the ingredients be. If you can think of its name share that as well :-)
Something with tequila and chili...  Tequila is derived from agave, which is considered healthy... But let's face it, tequila is a little bit naughty... Gives you a GOOD kick, which says it all about my teaching ;) 

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