Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sugar Craving on a Rage Today?

I think we all fall guilty of getting sugar cravings this time of year...especially TODAY!!!  The Sugar Holiday of the year.  If you want some candy go for it, just remember to not go crazy and stop after your satisfaction is cured.  Listen to your body, really listen.  If you are craving sugar, respond.  I found this chart to be helpful with cravings, especially the sugar one for this week.

Remember if you ignore a craving, you could be setting yourself up for a bigger purge later.  Our bodies are amazingly smart, they know what they are lacking, needing, etc.  Don't be afraid of listening to your body and DO NOT feel guilty.

On that note.  Happy Sugar Holiday!  

If you are feeling overwhelmed with your sugar cravings or other types of cravings I find charts like the one I am going to post below to help.  Instead of reaching for something you may feel guilty about then reach for one of the items on the chart first to see if your craving subsides.  It has helped me a lot in the past.

(chart and recipe from movenourishbelieve)

Before you reach your hand in the candy jar, try reaching for broccoli, chicken, nuts, fruit or a delicious sweet potato that are wonderfully in season right now!
This recipe also looks amazingly delicious

And just for fun, this looks amazing.  Someone please try it and let me know how it goes!

A cake baked in a pumpkin!!!  So delicious looking and perfect for the holidays!

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