Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Homemade Applesauce...your nose will thank you

It is Officially Fall Season!

The best thing about fall is all of the seasonal fall fruits and vegetables.

To kick off the new season I decided to try and tackle making homemade applesauce.

The thought of making applesauce always seems intimidating to me, but through more and more research of different recipes and preparations I found applesauce to be pretty simple.  The way I just did it only took me 30 minutes and it is as simple as 4 ingredients (I don't count water as an ingredient).

Simple Homemade Applesauce (no added sugar)
~8 medium to large apples
~2 cups water
~cinnamon to desired taste (I like a lot-1 TBSP)
You can also omit if you do not like cinnamon, but I  may think you are crazy :-)
~1 tsp of salt
~half of a lemon

1. Grab a pan that has a large diameter so that apples can create a nice layer on the bottom.
2. Peel and Core Apples.  Then cut into cubes.  Place apples in the pan.
3. Add water, juice from lemon, cinnamon and salt. Stir.

4. Turn burner on high until the water boils.  Once water boils, turn down heat to a simmer and allow everything to simmer for 20ish minutes.  I used a lid so my time could be faster than without a lid.

Once apples are soft.  Take a potato or garlic smasher and smash up your apples until they become more of a puree.  Feel free to not smash as much if you like your applesauce chunky.  

You may also be able to put the apples in a food processor or blender to make it nice and smooth.

Place sauce in jar and store in frig!


The best part of the whole process is the smell that comes from the kitchen...yummy cinnamon.

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