Wednesday, September 18, 2013

PP Instructor Feature

Jeff Shine

1. What inspired you to become a Pilates/spin instructor or what inspired you to want to be a part of platinum?
-Fitness has always been an important aspect in my life.  I remember searching at one point for a fitness system that would really challenge me and help round out my fitness regime.  SPX was that answer.

2. What is your favorite exercise to put your class through?
-I have a few.  Some are a series of moves I put together in a fast paced circuit.  But I suppose spoon is my favorite.  Or floor pike.  But push-ups are my go to.  
3. Which exercise do you think is the most challenging or most effective?
-This is sort of the impossible question.  Depends when in the workout you do it, what came before it...etc etc.  but runners lunge is always a beast.  

4. What is your favorite way to exercise?
-I like to mix it up.  I do a combination of Crossfit, SPX, yoga, running, body weight training.  I think variety is important.  No one system is the answer.
5. What is your favorite healthy food and what is your favorite unhealthy food?
-Favorite healthy food is Brussels sprouts, unhealthy food would be fruit pie or pudding.  I fucking love chocolate pudding. 

6. What is your most unique quality?
-I think its my tough love mentality. I don't think it serves anyone to just blow sunshine. I think people respond to honesty and straightforwardness.

7. Where is your favorite place in LA and why?
-The Arclight Theatre.  Makes me feel like a kid and also a grown up every time.  

8. In one sentence...why should someone take class at platinum or why spx Pilates?
Where do you find inspiration?
-If you want something challenging, that never gets easy, this is your place.  

Describe the energy and type of music you like to play for class.
-Class is fast paced, intense, and highly demanding.  I push you hard and demand a lot and hopefully it gives you the the opportunity to grant yourself permission to push your limits,  I play a wide range of music.  I don't always think we have to rely on a techno beat to find motivation to workout.  At the end of the day, I heard a Crossfit coach say it best..."I'm a trainer, not a DJ."
What is one piece of advice you'd like to share with the platinum blog reader.
-Be nervous before every workout.  Check your excuses at the door.  And for gods sakes leave your cell phone in your bag.  

And last but not least. If you we're to have a cocktail named after you what would the ingredients be. If you can think of its name share that as well :-)
-They already made it.  It's an old fashion or a manhattan.  Simple, clean, classy....done. 

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