Saturday, December 7, 2013

Surviving Holiday Eating

The Holidays can seem like an overwhelming time for a lot of reasons.  It can mean more work/stress at work, more parties, more food, financial stress, etc.  Because of all of these overbearing factors that can come along with the holidays it is important to focus in on the positive and the things that can be controlled if simply just thought about beforehand.  The holidays should be more about family, friends, giving, enjoying, laughing and loving...leave your worries elsewhere or even better make them nonexistent.

Today I am sharing some ways in which you can help yourself not overindulge in the holiday parties and eating frenzies.

-It is extremely important to not starve yourself before a big eating event.  Your body shouldn't turn into survival mode due to lack of nutrition because if it does, then any food entering your body will immediately be stored.  Also starving yourself all day will probably lead to you actually consuming more calories by the end of the day than if you ate regular prior to a big eating event and then listened to your body when you are full.

-Think about different ways in which you can create your at home meals, or even dishes you have to bring along more healthy.
      1. Steam or bake instead of Fry or Saute
      2. Look for lower fat ingredients to use instead of those full fat versions (I suggest not picking nonfat because that typically means more sugar is added into the product)
      3. Try cooking sprays instead of oils
      4. Use herbs to add flavor
      5. Check out different methods for baking like replacing oil with applesauce

-Be Careful with the dessert table.  It is okay to have some sweets that we don't typically enjoy day to day.  The holidays are made to be enjoyed.  Just remember and keep in mind that the more sweets you have the more your body will crave them.

-Watch the holiday drinks.  The eggnog is definitely not a low fat beverage.  I watch my consumption to a very small sip-able drinking eggnog like a glass of milk.  I also like to add a little bit of milk or milk alternative to my eggnog to thin it out a big without losing its flavor.  An amazingly tasting low calorie egg nog on the market right now is Califia Farms Holiday Nog.  Only 50 calories per serving and does not lack the egg nog creaminess it is known for.

-Alcohol can be very fattening too.  There can be added sugary things in the alcohol, so be careful.  Beer can be just as fattening.  Opt for a lighter version of both. 

-I believe it is important to partake and enjoy your holidays just don't indulge the whole time.  You may be a few pounds up the day after but just remember your body will adjust and it is probably just water weight.  Better yet, skip the scale, trust yourself, enjoy the holidays, and get on track when you can...oh and don't forget your regular pilates or exercise!

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