Thursday, March 20, 2014

"Clap along if you feel like happiness is truth…"

One of my new songs on my running playlist is “Happy” by Pharrell. That song always get’s my morning workout going strong and puts a huge smile on my face!

There’s a great article posted by fabfitfun that I came across today, sharing 15 tips that will put a smile on your face and take you to your happy place! 

Here are some of my personal favorites from their list:

Just Dance!
Dancing is something that has always made me happy and I fit in as many classes as I can. But you don’t have to take a class to dance- put on your favorite song, dance around the room for a few and you’ll see how you can boost your mood in those few quick minutes- try it as soon as you wake up and you’ll start your day off right!

Make a Happy List!
I like this idea and I’m going to do it for myself today. It’s so simple: make a list of everything you love. People, places, color, songs…anything! The article says to see how many you can come up with in 10 minutes, carry the list with you all day and reread it every time you want a boost of happy!

Hug It Out!
Squeeze a friend or loved one, they say for at least 6 seconds, and you can’t deny feeling warm and happy!

Eat Chocolate!
Studies show chocolate works to cheer you up by releasing feel-good neurotransmitter, serotonin, in the brain. Choose dark chocolate with 75% - 85% cacao and look for raw, organic, or fair trade so that the sweets you’re eating are unprocessed and sustainable as possible. Yum!

Other ways to boost your daily dose of happy include looking at photographs of you and your friends, plying outside like a kid, a quick workout or walk, and even watching youtube videos of puppies!

 Read the article on the fabfitfun website, along with so much more, HERE

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